Stem cell hair loss treatment

Stem cell hair loss treatment in Lahore Pakistan has been performed at our clinic successfully for the last few years. It is a new and latest treatment for hair regrowth.  In 2017, Italian researchers successfully relocated stem cells in hairs. The procedure begins with a punch biopsy to remove immature cells from the person. To remove a tube-shaped sample of tissue, a punch biopsy is conducted with a tool with a circular cutting edge that is rotated into the skin. In a special equipment known as a centrifuge, these cells are extracted from the tissue. It leaves a cell suspension, which is later injected back into the scalp.

According to certain studies, stem cell hair transplants can help cure a variety of hair loss disorders, including;

  • male & female androgenetic alopecia
  • cicatricial alopecia is a kind of alopecia that affects both men and women (follicles are destroyed and replaced with scar tissue)

Before stem cell hair loss treatment Lahore Pakistan

15 days later stem cell treatment results

Stem cells hair regrowth results two months

Stem cell hair loss treatment Lahore Pakistan a new hope 

Scientists and researchers of the University of California, Los Angeles, have identified a new technique to stimulate the hair regrowth process in the follicles. The results that they got may help the people that are facing baldness or thinking of having a hair transplant.

Stem cells exosomes hair regrowth treatment Pakistan

Before hair loss treatment

exosomes stem cells results two months later

Hair follicle fundamental microorganisms are ephemeral cells in the follicle that are present in the skin and generate throughout a person’s life. They are calm, which means they are usually inactive, but they quickly reactivate during a new hair cycle, when new hair growth occurs. Numerous factors influence the tranquility of follicle fundamental microorganisms. In certain situations, they fail to begin, which is what causes baldness.

Stem cell treatment clinic Lahore

Micro needling with Stem Cells for hair regrowth 

Going bald, on the other hand, maybe a real horrible involvement for specific instances when it comes to rebuilding. Most people would rather not take a breather and let their hair fall out. Intercession is a path that is frequently adopted and is routinely possible. When it comes to hair regeneration, undifferentiated cell micro-needling is an open, feasible option. Many people say that stem cell micro needling is a non-surgical process so they like it very much because of its fastest recovery time as compared to other surgical processes. This doesn’t lead to further medications and you are free!

Crown area before hair regrowth treatment

Hair regrowth results Lahore Pakistan

Undifferentiated cell management instruments

Every day, bright radiation and other environmental factors injure our skin and various tissues, with the body constantly removing and recharging the harmed tissue. On average, humans shed 500 million cells and 1.5 grams of hair every day.

Particular fundamental bacteria that advance tissue growth replace the dead material. Tissue maturation is dependent on the mobility and soundness of these fundamental bacteria since impeded activity causes the tissues to mature.

Stem cell isolation preparation

Hair loss is caused by stem cells that have lost their metabolic flexibility

When new hair is generated at the end of a follicle’s regeneration cycle, stem cells return to their original site and enter a dormant condition. The new study’s main conclusion is that returning to the stem cell state necessitates a shift in the cells’ metabolic status. In response to low oxygen levels in the tissue, they move from glutamine-based metabolism and cellular respiration to glycolysis, which is activated by signaling mediated by a protein called Rictor. Similarly, the current study found that the lack of the Rictor protein hindered reversibility, resulting in a gradual depletion of  hair.

The researchers used a genetic mouse model to investigate the function of the Rictor protein, finding that animals missing the protein had dramatically delayed follicle regeneration and cycle. Aged mice with Rictor deficiency had a progressive reduction in their stem cells, which resulted in hair loss.

Precursors to the development of anti-hair loss drugs

More studies will be carried out to see how these preclinical results may be applied to human and, perhaps, pharmacological treatments to preserve follicles from aging. To put it another way, the processes discovered in the study might be used to prevent hair loss.

Can stem cell treatment regrow hair?

Varying people will experience different results, as with any hair restoration procedure. The procedure will be more effective in certain situations than in others. Also, like with any therapy of this kind, you won’t know how your body reacts unless you try it for yourself. Nonetheless, when it comes to operations as promising as stem cell micro needling, your chances of success are high.

What is the cost of stem cell hair loss treatment in Lahore Pakistan?

The average cost is 175,000 to 180,000 Rs if these cells are taken by your own body. However, human placenta stem cells are also available at our clinic  and its price is 45000 PKR to 75,000 Pak Rupee. We also have the option of PRF stem cells and its cost is 22000 PKR per treatment in Lahore and performed by foreign qualified surgeon Dr. Ahmad Chaudhry. 


As the cells help the growth so we see that scientists have done many experiments, researches, formulate theories to prove these cells play a vital role in the growth. Our clinic has been performing stem cell hair loss treatment in Lahore Pakistan since 2018 and many patients have been treated successfully with excellent outcome. If you are suffering from hair fall or baldness then you can share your close up photos through WhatsApp.

“If you are looking for the stem cell hair loss or regrowth treatment in Lahore Pakistan or a specialist then get book your free consultation today where our expert will guide you whether this therapy would be good or not. You can also forward all above information to your friend who is also searching for control hair fall and stem cell hair loss treatment in Lahore Pakistan”

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