Pcos hair loss

PCOS hair loss is experienced by many women which involve thinning of hair and this is also called FPHL. In polycystic ovary syndrome, the body of the female starts producing excess male hormones called androgens. These androgens cause the excess production of HFs especially in areas where they are not normally present in the female body such as the face, neck, chest, and abdomen and in addition to this these male hormones also causes the thinning and falling of HFs from the scalp which results in androgenetic alopecia or FMHL. The HFs that are lost because of polycystic ovary syndrome do not grow back on their own, they require proper medical treatment. With the treatment, you will become able to stimulate the growth of HFs once again. There are a variety of medical treatments that we can perform to stimulate growth and in addition to the treatment, you also have to adopt some practices to hide the falling of HFs.

PCOS hair loss occurs because of the disturbance or imbalance in hormone production. So, the regulation or correction of hormone production is the key to medical treatment and for these different medications are used. But all the medications are not effective for you. At the start of treatment, you have to use different medications to find out which one is best for you.  Some medications are the use of oral contraceptives, Spironolactone, Minoxidil, Finasteride, and dutasteride. These oral contraceptives or birth control pills decrease the levels of androgen hormone in your body which in result reduces the growth of excess HFs and falling of HFs from the scalp. Sometimes with these oral contraceptives, an anti-androgen medicine is also prescribed to decrease the reduction in HFs that occur because of polycystic ovary syndrome.

PCOS hair loss can also be controlled by some other drugs too such as Spironolactone (Aldactone). It is a type of oral medication that is an antagonist of aldosterone receptors. It is a very effective drug for the cure of androgenetic alopecia. It blocks the negative influence of androgen hormone on the scalp and it is also prescribed with birth control pills. Another drug that is used to treat the reduction of HFs because of polycystic ovary syndrome is Minoxidil (Rogaine). It is a drug that is approved by the Food and drug authority to treat FPHL. It is a topical medicine that is applied to the scalp daily. This drug increases the proliferation of HFs and also gives them a thick appearance.  The other two drugs that are used to cure this ailment are Finasteride (Propecia) and Dutasteride (Avodart). Both of these drugs are prescribed by doctors to treat HF reduction because of polycystic ovary syndrome. But these drugs are not considered a good option to treat this condition because of their side effects on women.

PCOS hair loss can also be cured by performing a hair transplant. It is a surgical procedure that is used to insert HF into the scalp. The HFs are extracted from one area where they are present in excess and inserted into the area of baldness. There are also some home remedies that you can use to lower the androgen levels in your body and also to decrease the effect of androgen hormones on your scalp. Such as the use of zinc supplements. According to a study, it was proved that zinc supplements improve the falling of HFs that happen because of polycystic ovary syndrome. Take 50mg of zinc supplements daily for 8 weeks. This will enhance the proliferation of HFs. The other remedies are weight loss and the use of vitamin B7 (biotin) supplements. There is much evidence that losing weight decreases the levels of androgen hormone in your body.

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