Hair transplant donor site


Hair transplant donor site healing and regrowth is a major concern of every patient who wants to undergo baldness treatment. Hair restoration is the procedure of taking follicles from an area of good density and then implanting them on a bald area. The area from where the graft is extracted, called the donor site. It is usually on the head and has a rich density. In almost all cases it is located on the scalp, however, in cases of acute baldness, the donor follicle is taken from the body. The hair growth is most dense at the back of the head and above the ear area. In male pattern baldness, it is observed that the hair is lost from the top of the head or the front area to such an extent that it appears as if hair is lost from the forehead up to the crown of the head. The hair growth is only found at the back of the head and this strip stretches to the sides of the head up till the temples. In early age baldness also, the hair is lost from the crown or the vertex of the head and forehead. Even in such cases, the density at the back of the head and above the ears is good.

Donor site for hair transplant procedure

Hair transplant donor site healing & regrowth

Some people have serious baldness, which results in the gap and the hair to become extremely thin. In such cases, the donor follicle is extracted from the chest, arms or legs. In hair transplant, the follicle is taken from one place and planted on the other and in case of less growth all over the head; follicle has to be taken from the body. This is called body hair transplant. Normally, it is easier to take grafts from the scalp, in other words, it is better if the donor site is on the head. The body hair is different from scalp in terms of texture, length and thickness. Body hair is coarser than scalp. The surgeon has to be skilled and experienced in order to extract grafts successfully and to implant them in a natural pattern found in the existing hair on the head. The scalp is well supplied with blood vessels and the follicle on the head receives nutrients in a large amount. This makes it possible for the hair to become healthy and to grow longer. On the contrary, the follicle on the body is not that rich in nutrient supply and hence it has a coarse texture, and does not grow more than two inches long. However, once planted on the head, the follicle also gets its nutrients from the scalp and grows well. In hair transplant surgery, the techniques now being used leave no incision scars and marks from stitches. In the strip method, a strip of skin is removed from the back and sides of the head and then the wound is stapled using stainless steel surgical staples. This leaves a mark and in case the donor site is on the head; the scar is concealed by hair that grows over it.

Frequently Asked Questions 

How rapid is hair transplant donor site healing?

Normally healing is quick and rapid in FUE technique.

Hair transplant donor site pain

There is less pain or discomfort in the donor site after FUE procedure while old FUT technique gives more pain and numbness. 

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