Does smoking cause hair loss


Does smoking cause hair loss is a question that tends to acquire various answers. While as they say extreme anything is bad. A habit like smoking is rather bad if an individual is looking forward to spending his life with a good health check in balance. If an individual is a chain smoker, chances are that he will be well familiar with the harmful chemicals that are used in the production of cigarettes. The fact cannot be denied that these chemicals can have adverse effects on an individual’s health condition which could also include excessive hair loss and premature graying. We can well imagine how certain ingredients in products can highly contribute to an overall damage to an individual’s physical appearance. According to a number of scientific studies it has been realized how a habit like this could result in a great deal of hair damage for people. Let’s discuss some of the most considerable ways smoking can lead to scalp damage.

Does smoking cause hair loss

Smoking and baldness

While looking closely as to examine Does smoking causes hair loss we can certainly highlight the idea of a poor circulation of blood in the body. Scalp follicles require a generous amount of oxygen, minerals and nutrients for the production of thick hair. However the dangerous chemicals present in cigarettes can stall blood flow in the body thus leading to shrinkage in blood vessels. This clearly means that red blood cells might need extra struggle to maintain their function that is highly beneficial for the human body. When follicles do not receive the blood they require for a healthy growth on the scalp an individual might witness a worrisome amount of damage and weakness of the hair. Growth consists of four main stages: the growth, the transitional, the resting and shedding phase.  Each stage carries its own importance and its ability to contribute to a good scalp health. If any of these stages are interrupted the entire growth period could be disturbed resulting in hair loss.

The dilemma of Does smoking cause hair loss has a lot of weight to it especially when it comes to determining an individual’s standard health condition. Studies are being done to observe how smoking can greatly weaken or damage the immunity a human needs for a good day to day functioning. The fact is that a weak and poor immune system welcomes various infections and diseases in the body deteriorating an individual’s health condition. Bad bacteria can easily enter the body and this could be quite a point of concern as when it comes to assuring a healthy and fit lifestyle. A weak immune system can lead to follicles unable to produce healthy hair. Weakness of the follicles would result in thinning being experienced on the scalp thus leading to a great deal of shedding.

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Does smoking cause hair loss raises a lot of concern when it comes to environmental pollution. An individual smoking every day at home tends to create an unhealthy atmosphere for him and those living with him. Baldness is greatly linked to genetics but researchers have found out that thinning is caused due to environmental adversities. Air polluted with harmful smoke could hinder the functions of the protein through which the scalp gets filled with volume and receives its nourishment. The best way perhaps to prevent such unhealthy issues being experienced by the body is quit smoking. This is because once you get rid of this habit the harmful toxins lose their strength resulting in hair regrowth on the scalp.

It is very difficult to get rid of a habit like this that holds the tendency of adversely affecting your health in one way or the other. However, for this purpose many clinics and therapy centers have popped up to help individuals save, develop and maintain their health in the best ways possible.

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