Best country for hair transplant surgery


Best country for hair transplant surgery is known to be Pakistan and Turkey. Hair loss is an issue being faced all around the world today. But the advancements in science and technology have offered the best treatments for this rising problem and works are still being done for more. Other countries like Poland, Hungary, Thailand, Malaysia and Germany can also be included in the list of countries offering fairly good procedures/ treatments for recovery of follicle loss.

Hair transplant Holland Netherlands

Best country for hair transplant surgery i.e. Pakistan offers the latest trends of surgery, for example, FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction), FUT (Follicular Unit Transplant), DHI (Direct Hair Implantation), Sapphire Fue, Female hair transplant and Afro hair restoration etc. It depends on the patient’s condition that which treatment suits him the best, and the doctors in Pakistan can guide you well enough. The price of treatment can start from £1350 and may increase slightly when talking about big countries like Istanbul. But the prices are fixed, which can be considered a good thing. Pakistan is not only said to have better procedures but also cheaper too. The causes for follicle loss may vary from person to person and includes problems arising from inheritance, growing age, a condition called Alopecia areata, stress, fake and cheap hair products, scalp infection, wrong use of medication and thyroid disease.

Hair restoration in Pakistan

Best country for hair transplant surgery, Pakistan has the same general procedure required for a treatment. The procedure time can take from about 6 to 8 hours. The use of local anesthesia or sedation is also available. The patients’ recovery can take two weeks. One can start observing results after three months of treatment. After the whole procedure ends, which can be up to 6 months, the patients can notice 70% of the results they are expecting. The requirement can be a whole year too, to get 100% results because the crown area of our head takes about 18 months to show good results. The most preferred method for hair transplant surgery is FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction). It is a procedure which involves minimum scarring and pain and gives results that look natural. It majorly involves cutting a small part of your scalp skin, then transferring follicles from a donor in that area, which helps to regrow your lost follicles. It almost looks like you got a fresh haircut and after that the results can be satisfying and worthy of the wait.  The  Ministry of health has a requirement that their hair transplant surgeons should be registered medical doctors in the  Medical Association. You need to make sure the surgeon you are dealing with has his license. This is an assurance to the patients that they are on a good way to recovery and are in good hands. You can thoroughly talk and understand your follicle loss problem and the solution which you are going for with the doctors.

Best country for hair transplant surgery, Pakistan offers other methods of this problem too like PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma). This involves injections in the scalp as treatment. It requires three sessions which are 4 to 6 weeks apart. It also adds the maintenance treatments every four to six months. The general side effects of the procedure may include bleeding, infection, and swelling of scalp, itching, bruising around the eyes and numbness. Anesthetic injections under the skin cause the face swelling and patients are given proper medications for that too. In case of an emergency, they can always visit their doctor again. Pakistan offers a fairly better plan for the treatment and is much cheaper than the UK too. The prices in the UK can be £4000 to £7000 whereas abroad is much cheaper, starting from approximately £1350. And this is the reason many people choose this country. You can do your own research about the cities and clinics offering treatments before you decide to go there.


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