Laser hair transplant side effects Pakistan

What are Laser hair transplant Side Effects in Pakistan?

In today’s environment, laser hair transplant side effects are major concern and getting a lot of attention.  Cold laser/light energy is used in therapy, also called low-level light therapy, to induce hair regrowth. Additionally, it is a non-invasive technique that does not penetrate the skin. In addition, what makes it an effective treatment for hair loss?

Watering a plant is a lot like using low-level light therapy. It represents the water, and our scalp serves as the plant. Follicles are stimulated and blood supply and nutrients are distributed as a result of the laser energy being absorbed by the scalp. Consequently, just to how water aids a plant in its growth, low-level light therapy.

Laser hair transplant side effects Pakistan


Several laser hair transplant side effects can occur after a successful treatment. Among these are:

  1. Scars – the scars left by the incisions made during the extraction process may be very noticeable and unsightly. They are usually well healed within six months.
  2. Bleeding –sometimes occurs when the recipient site is not adequately prepared before the grafting begins. This bleeding should stop on its own once the recipient site is scheduled correctly. However, if it does not, you should contact us immediately to take care of it.
  3. Infection – infection of the recipient site is rare but requires antibiotic treatment.
  4. Temporary swelling – temporary swelling at the donor site may last for several days following the removal of the grafts.
  5. Edema –edema of the face occasionally occurs due to excessive manipulation of the facial muscles during the grafting process. The edema disappears in approximately two weeks.
  6. Headache– headaches are relatively common following the laser hair transplant side effects process because of the stress placed upon the patient’s neck. If you experience any severe headache, please call our office immediately. We have found that most patients who report such problems do not need medical attention or require sedation. When necessary, mild analgesics are sufficient.
  7. Numbness– numbness around the earlobes or jawline due to nerve damage is quite common and can be treated with over-the-counter pain medication.
  8. Swelling – some people feel a bit swollen after the surgery. You may want to wear a bandage or gauze pad on your head for 1-2 days.
  9. Pain – post-op pain is generally felt within 24 hours after the procedure. Most patients can drive home after this time. Some patients find that taking acetaminophen relieves the pain.
  10. Bruising– bruising is expected following the procedure. Usually, it goes away in 48 hours.

What to do before and after?

Before Procedure:

To avoid Laser hair transplant side effects; know this precautions before treatment:

  1. Do not drink alcohol for two days before the operation.
  2. Avoid aspirin, ibuprofen, and other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).
  3. Stop smoking at least three days before the procedure.
  4. Stop taking multi vitamin five days before the procedure as it can increase bleeding.
  5. Don’t eat anything after midnight the night before the procedure.
  6. Take a shower the day before the procedure.

After Procedure:

To avoid laser hair transplant side effects keep this precaution in mind.

  1. Take a shower right after the procedure, especially if you have shaved off your hair.
  2. Apply a moisturizer to keep the skin soft and supple.
  3. Use sunscreen lotions without SPF 15 or higher. The sun’s rays can negatively affect the transplanted hair.
  4. Wash daily with shampoo and conditioner.
  5. Keep your head dry between washing sessions.
  6. Don’t touch your newly transplanted area until it heals completely.
  7. Wait 3-4 months before getting a haircut. After four months, you can cut your hair as short as you wish.
  8. Use a unique wig cap to protect your freshly grafted area from rubbing against your clothes.
  9. If you have dark-colored hair, avoid wearing white shirts. It will make your hair look darker than usual.
  10. Don’t dye your hair. Dyeing it will ruin the color of the transplants.
  11. Don’t expose yourself to direct sunlight. Sunlight can cause burns to your newly grafted areas.

Transplantation is a safe surgical procedure. Although the number of hairs harvested is much smaller than FUT hair transplantation, the results are excellent. To ensure positive results, we recommend that you follow a strict postoperative care regimen. As always, we encourage you to consult us first before undergoing any procedures.

  • Patient Information Sheet
  • Informed Consent Form
  • Preparation of the Area
  • Anesthesia Preparations
  • Graft Placement
  • Post Op Instructions

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