Hairsite 4 women


Females experience hair fall in different phases of life for various medical and traumas. Most common hair sites for women are the scalp, eyebrows, eyelashes, and maybe other body parts. The loss can be permanent or temporary. For females losing their mane is extremely stressful, some matured aged may not bother and let it run, some hide it through styling,  a few opt for topical medicines to restore growth, and many are ready to have a transplantation surgery. The sincerest advice is, before surgery, it’s better to diagnose the cause and treat it first, otherwise, no surgical option will be helpful in the long run.

Causes behind women’s baldness

It’s very important to know the cause behind female baldness. Different things that interfere with the growth cycle are

  • Genetic or hereditary reasons are one main cause of it. If women have some thin and some thick follicles on the scalp it can lead to Androgenic Alopecia. It usually happens due to hereditary reasons.
  • If the follicles are of the same size and a noticeable falling starts it can be a sign of underlying medical conditions like thyroid disorder, pregnancy, acute anemia, any autoimmune disease, scalp inflammation, polycystic ovary Syndrome, seborrheic dermatitis, psoriasis, etc.
  • It can start as a side effect of various types of medicines, such as thyroid medication, chemotherapy, these are temporary conditions and disappear as soon as patients stop taking medicines.
  • Extreme stress and emotional or physical trauma like surgeries, illness, and weight loss. These reasons cause temporary loss, and no surgical treatment is needed to recover.
  • Women’s hair thinning or loss can be self-inflicted. It happens due to excessive use of dyes, thermal tools (irons, curlers, blow dryers) chemical treatments, using bad brushes.

Hair loss in women Lahore Pakistan

Most affected hair sites for women

The most affected areas are the scalp, especially the crown area, broadening of the part, thinning strands, in several cases eyebrows and eyelashes start falling. Similarly, other body parts can suffer, but the most noticeable areas are the face and head.


Female Pattern baldness

Baldness is divided into two major categories by dermatologist male pattern baldness (MPB) and Female pattern baldness (FPB) also called androgenic alopecia

Unlike the male pattern, FPB is an overall thinning of scalp hair, the follicles shrink over time. These follicles cause breakage and fine strands.  The follicles become weak and eventually stop growing. They are still alive and can grow back as usual with a little care and treatment.

FPB is related to aging, hereditary reasons, changes in androgenic male hormones, heavy loss of blood or anemia, medication such as oral contraceptives,

In most cases, FPB is mild to moderate and can be cured with proper treatment. Minoxidil is applied topically or some other medicines. Minoxidil stops further loss in most females and longer use helps in regrowth.

Scalp treatment for hair fall Lahore

Treatments for females

Other than topical use of minoxidil there are many treatments to cure Androgenic alopecia (FPB) or Alopecia Areata


Some females are given corticosteroid injections in Alopecia Areata.

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)

In this procedure blood of a person is drawn and rich healthy platelets plasma is separated. This healthy plasma is injected into the scalp’s affected areas and helps speed up tissue growth and repair.

Hormonal Therapy

If the cause behind is hormonal imbalance, the doctors may recommend hormonal therapy. For example, ladies who suffer from polycystic ovary syndrome start producing an excessive amount of androgens. Antiandrogen medicines help to stop androgen production to prevent baldness.

Hair Transplant

Transplant surgeries are also done for hair sites for women. When a patient doesn’t respond well to treatments a hair transplantation surgery can be recommended. This involves taking health follicles from the head or any other part of the body and inserting them into the bald or sparse area. It can be done on the following parts of the female body

  • Scalp
  • Eyebrows
  • eyelashes

It’s a more costly procedure than other treatments and requires great expertise from the surgeon due to its immense sensitivity. The good thing is the results are permanent and don’t require repeated sessions.

Hair loss treatment for Women


Fortunately, there are many solutions for balding hair sites for women. From topical medicines to transplantation. But before going for a solution it’s important to consult an expert dermatologist to diagnose the real causes behind balding. Only after a complete health examination, a successful cure is possible.

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