Hair transplantation

Hair transplantation is a surgical procedure that involves coverage of baldness by transplanting follicles from an area of good hair growth into an area that has reduced or no growth. This method has been evolving and produces natural and long lasting results. Hair restoration methods have always been popular among people since a majority of us suffer from this issue. The surgical method is taking follicles from donor area and implantation to the recipient site. It was first used in the early 1950s to cover accidental scars and abnormal hair gaps resulting from burns of birth deformities. The procedure later on became a cosmetic surgery due to the successful results it produced. The methods have evolved with time. Earlier, the methods used did not produce results that yielded natural and desirable results. The scalp often appears bumpy and the strands grow in clusters as if coming out of the same opening. This made the growth appear like ‘doll’s hair’. 

Nowadays, two main methods are used for the surgery, the strip harvesting method and the follicular unit extraction (FUE) method. While using the strip method, the surgeon removes a strip of skin from an area of good density and uses a scalpel. This strip is then dissected into smaller units and then planted on the bald patch on the scalp. 

Hair transplantation via Fue technique 

The FUE method uses the extraction of individual follicles that are then planted on the bald patch. Usually, the graft is removed from the back of the head, where the growth is better. The FUE method is more technical and also requires an artistic hand to plant the follicles in the same direction and pattern as that of the hair existing on the scalp. In case this is not followed, the results may be unnatural and apparent from a distance. The patient must choose a doctor who is well reputed and has a lot of patients to boast his experience. The experiences of past patients can also provide clarity to the person who is interested in getting this treatment. Once the doctor is chosen, the initial consultation is vital since the doctor assesses the patient’s condition and discusses the amount of grafts that needs to be transplanted. The patient and surgeon unanimously decide the method of surgery as well as the number of sessions. The cost of the whole procedure is also disclosed in this session. 

Once all the pre surgery discussions are complete, the hair transplantation surgery starts. The scalp is thoroughly cleansed and then the surgeon gives local anesthesia so that the patient does not feel any pain during the surgery. The patient is alert during the whole operation. The surgeon removes follicles using a scalpel, under a microscope. Once the follicles or strip are removed, a short break follows and then the plantation is completed. The surgeon gives his patient a post surgery care routine to follow in order to reduce the chances of any discomfort. Although there are limited side effects of the surgery, some patients feel pain in the wound from strip removal or may feel a headache. Painkillers are prescribed to soothe the patient while antibiotics are given to eradicate the chance of any infection. The patient is usually asked to shampoo his or her hair in order to reduce the accumulation of sebum or residue on the scalp. This reduces the chances of any residual deposits to create hindrance in the growth of newly planted grafts. The methods of surgical enhancement are result yielding and have caused many people to look better and feel younger. 

Hair transplantation is the most permanent solution to treat hair loss since it gives quick and long lasting results. These surgeries are being done everywhere nowadays, but it is essential to do some research to find the surgeon who is best for you.

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