Hair transplant London


Hair transplant London UK patient is performed at our clinic who traveled abroad for his procedure at an affordable price without compromising the quality.  Some clinics are offering some of the very finest and exclusive hair restoration surgery in the world. The biggest wish for other people suffering from hair loss could be getting their hair back. It is possible with the advancement in techniques now. Commonly this issue is associated with old age, but this is not reality. Alopecia could occur at any stage in life. Some very young people are also becoming victims of baldness. Few people who are conscious enough about their personality and looking young, they consider hair restoration seriously. Some accept this problem as a bitter reality and keep going with it all their life. Some are not aware of the benefits and advantages of hair regrowth techniques. Some are those who cannot afford this option for their alopecia due to the expenses or the cost of the procedure. It is a truth this procedure is a cup of tea for every bald person. It does not mean that you give up the thought of getting your treatment. There are many countries offering this procedure at low cost due to their economic conditions and low currency rates. Medical tourism is a common practice these days to have your desired medical procedure done. Hair transplant London patient got his mid scalp and crown area procedure through follicular unit extraction procedure. 

Procedure date 15 Dec 2021
Patient age 37 years
Plan mid scalp & crown area coverage
Technique Micro Fue
Donor area Scalp + beard
Punch size 0.8 mm
Surgeon Dr. Ahmad Chaudhry

Hair transplant techniques in London UK 

UK is offering all the effective techniques used in hair restoration surgery with well equipped clinics and highly qualified surgeons.  The ratio of hair loss is too high and men are mostly suffering from it more than women. The treatment for baldness offers you two techniques to choose from one is known as FUT technique. In this technique a strip of follicles is removed from the donor area and then cautiously these follicles are separated from the skin and these are transplanted on the affected area. The other technique is the FUE-follicular unit extraction/ excision. In this way the follicles are not removed in the form of a group rather very carefully, without damaging a single follicle it is removed and transplanted to the recipient area.

Hair transplant London patient got special care  for making the procedure comfortable for him. This treatment is not less than a miracle for those suffering from baldness

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