Hair transplant Islamabad cost of hair

Hair transplant Islamabad cost of hair is 20 Rs and how many hairs required to treat baldness? It depends upon the degree of alopecia.  In today’s world where everyone is stressed due to different reasons, baldness is emerging as a major problem. Both men and women are the victims of baldness. Hair loss could be less or severe depending on various reasons or your lifestyle. Where world is going through economic recession, the price of cosmetic procedures are increasing day by day and it is very difficult for the common person to afford and plan any cosmetic procedure for himself.

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Hair loss affects every individual differently. Some feel low esteemed, less confident and some think in an extreme way and unfit in their social circle. They avoid meeting their friends due to their hair loss problem and they cannot afford hair transplant surgery due to everyday getting higher cost. Before planning a surgery it is very important to discuss all the possible treatments your doctor has to offer you for hair loss. If surgery is the only possible treatment for you, then you must talk to your doctor regarding the cost of it. The doctor will guide you how much grafts you need for your bald area. The cost of the surgery will be depending on the bald area which has to be covered. Follicles are extracted from the donor area and implanted on the bald area. It is a very delicate process and that’s why it costs high.

Our French specialized and trained surgeon in Islamabad can give you an affordable hair restoration surgery. You can online discuss all the facets of procedure and also you can get your bald area calculated by our surgeon and experts in Islamabad. The cost of the procedure is less in Islamabad due to the low value of Pakistani currency. By choosing our clinic for hair transplant surgery, you can achieve the satisfaction of expected, desired and permanent results. Yet you can afford to have this surgery by remaining in your budget. Discuss today with our surgeon online, which hair transplant method is suitable for you and how much it would cost you.

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