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Hair transplant Iran Tehran

Scientific researches and new techniques for procedures are rapidly introduced by the western world and the rest of the countries follow these researches and technology. However, it will be wrong to say that only the western world has advanced medical facilities. Iran, known as Persia in the historic times was the center of mathematics and science and has produced many researchers, philosophers and scientists belonged to Persia. Iran is also the capital of plastic surgery since it is famous for its successful nose jobs and other such aesthetic procedures. Due to the foreign relations, and the spoilt image of Tehran; many people are reluctant to travel to the country but still the medical facilities and services cause an influx of foreign patients. Many tourists don’t want to visit Tehran due to political and security concerns. European tourists dismiss the very idea of traveling to this country for medical tourism because of the misperceived image and poor brand representation plagued by the country’s controversial political positioning. However, the Arab and Asian patients are not hindered by the image of Iran in the west and since it is acknowledged worldwide that Iran is highly developed in medical science, Arab and Asian medical tourists flock to plastic surgery clinics in Iran. The country has the highest rate of nose surgery in the world, although precise figures are hard to establish. However, since it is a specialized field of plastic surgery, many people are forced to go to this country even if they are concerned about the political situation. This kind of medical tourism is not seen for hair transplants or any other surgery in the country. The country is updated with the latest technology and the doctors there are experienced as well. The procedure is a part of cosmetic surgery which is thriving in Iran but patients can find an equally good surgeon in places like Pakistan, Malaysia and Thailand so to avoid security issues, they prefer to travel to these countries. The BBC News reported that since the revolution in 1979, Iran has become one of the world’s leading centers for cosmetic surgery with three thousand plastic surgeons operating in Tehran alone. Hair restoration is as specialized field as nose surgery and even if Iran offers the latest techniques and methods, the same quality of transplants is found elsewhere as well. In Tehran, there are many surgeons performing these surgeries and surgeons are skilled since hair transplant surgery has been available here before it was available in the rest of Asia. If someone is interested in getting a hair transplant surgery in Iran, the only concern is the political and security issues. The quality of the procedure and the end result will be more than satisfactory. The price of a hair restoration surgery in Tehran is between 4,000 Euros to 8,000 Euros. This might be expensive to many patients but it is worth mentioning that since the field of cosmetic surgery has placed the country among the top ten nations with advanced plastic surgery centers, the cost is reasonable.

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