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Hair transplant Gujranwala

If you are searching for hair transplant in Gujranwala, you should change your mind as there is not a single qualified or trained surgeon. There are few quacks or non doctors performing this delicate and sensitive procedure so avoid from such clinics or centers. People of this city are very fond of health, beauty ,wellness and hair restoration procedures. Like other people they are always in search of  physical appearance enhancement and to treat baldness. It is a social problem among male patients and to get permanent baldness treatment in the form of hair transplantation in Gujranwala is a priority of everyone.


Hair transplant Gujranwala Patient results


As Lahore is a major city and one and half hour distance from Gujranwala ,convenient for most baldness patients to get best quality hair restoration. The procedure is performed by two techniques called strip procedure and without strip (Fue ). As this second procedure is a least invasive and there are many patients who have Fue procedure from Dr. Ahmad Chaudhry and are living happy lives. Dr. Ahmad Chaudhry is an expert in all hair loss treatments like FUT, FUE and No touch techniques. He has more than 21 years experience and a lot of references in this city where one can personally meet and see his previous patients. Quality hair transplant in Gujranwala is not possible as skilled and expert surgeons establish their clinics in big cities so instead of being a victim of cheap procedure, we will suggest you to visit our clinic in Lahore where you will get best advice and treatment from Dr. Ahmad Chaudhry.

Hair transplantation Gujranwala photo

Hair transplant in gujranwala photo

Frequently Asked Questions 

Can I get the same quality and results of hair transplant in Gujranwala Vs Lahore?

No, there is no qualified surgeon and many patients who have operated in this city , did not get good results and visit our clinic in Lahore for repair and correction. You can’t get the same quality of procedure and results as in Lahore.

What is the cost of hair restoration surgery in Gujranwala Vs Lahore?

The average cost charged by unskilled technicians or quacks is 25000 to 40,000 Pak Rupees whereas price in Lahore by a qualified , experienced and skilled surgeon will be 125,000 to 175,000 Pak Rupee.

Are there non surgical hair transplant in Gujranwala

Yes, it is a kind of wig or artificial system and these wigs are available in different salons and centers .

What is the best hair loss treatment?

The best treatment depends upon the cause of alopecia. It might be medicine, PRP treatment, low level laser therapy and transplant surgery.

Hair transplant photo gallery

How to get an appointment from a top hair surgeon?

To get an appointment from top or the best surgeon Dr. Ahmad Chaudhry , you may call or WhatsApp +92-333-430-9999

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