Hair Transplant Forum Falkland Islands


All over the world, hair restoration methods are being used to help people look better and cover baldness. The Falklands offer various types of methods which include hair transplantation methods, being done using the latest technology. The Falkland Islands are a group of islands in the South Atlantic, here the British ruled for a long time. Even today, the state has British impact and is an independent entity which is developing and offers good sights and facilities to the people who live there or travel as tourists. The medical field of every country has to be tuned and must offer the basics that are the necessity of its people. The Falkland Islands is also equipped with good medical facilities and also has a significant cosmetic medicine sector. Hair loss is a problem that is faced by people of all ethnicities and this is why there are clinics and medical centers everywhere that offer such procedures. In the Falkland Islands, tourists can find surgeons who perform hair surgeries and can get satisfactory results. The hair transplantation method was first introduced in the 1950s as a procedure to cover baldness created by accidental scars or burns. The success of this led to the procedure being used as a cosmetic surgery. Many people suffer from hair loss and turn to hair surgeries to get a permanent solution for thinning hair or bald patches. It is human nature that if people feel that they have some kind of a disorder or demerit that can hamper their appearance; they feel inferior and therefore have problems in communicating with others. Baldness is a feature that causes people to become very conscious and lose confidence. The reasons for hair loss may be many and it is essential that the patient finds out what causes his or her hair to fall and then this problem must be corrected. Once the problem is corrected and fully cured, only then should the person opt for a hair restoration method in order to get maximum results. The hair restoration surgery is a simple procedure for the patient but requires skill and expertise on the surgeon’s part. The final result is dependent on the skill and care with which the procedure is performed. The hair transplantation surgery is done in two basic ways, the strip method and the follicular unit extraction (FUE) method. The strip method is often believed to be redundant since most people opt for the FUE method. The advantages of FUE surgery are many, for instance there is no scarring and the results are natural. The surgeon has to carefully extract and plant individual hair follicles in the same pattern and direction as that of the existing hair on the scalp. This may be more time consuming but the transplant is not detectable at all and hence the patient is fully confident of his or her appearance. Usually, the hair is extracted from the back of the head or the sides of the head since the growth of hair in these areas is good. In males, the pattern of baldness is such that the hair is lost from the crown, or top of the head and the hairline recedes. As the baldness intensifies, the hairline is completely gone while the bald patch extends to the top of the head, leaving hair only at the back and sides of the head. In Falklands, there are many good surgeons who can help patients regain their confidence and look younger. However, one must always do some basic research before consulting a surgeon in order to make the best choice and to get satisfactory results.

 Hair transplant forum of Falkland Islands can help a person choose the surgeon who is most suitable in terms of results and also the cost at which the procedure is performed. The price for hair restoration is high and our clinic cheaper hair transplantation procedure.

Fue 2000 grafts= 800 euro

Fue 4000 Grafts= 1600 euro

Falkland hair transplant result
Male pattern baldness

Get guaranteed answer from our hair loss  Specialist.

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