Hair Transplant Forum Antigua -Barbuda


Antigua and Barbuda is a small state in the northern part of South America. Though a small state it has been developed significantly and all basic amenities such as medical facilities of high standard are present there.

The state of Antigua and Barbuda has a rich history and has a Spanish influence. The state is small but it is equipped with latest technology as far as medical field is concerned. The hair transplantation surgery has become a basic procedure since people turn to it to restore hair growth. There are many good surgeons who practice in Antigua and Barbuda, while there are numerous world renowned medical centers who have a branch in the state and offer hair regeneration surgeries. These medical centers have worked wonders since they offer experienced surgeons at universalized rates and therefore a patient feels comfortable in paying the same fee that they would be paying in any other developed state. The surgeons in the state are skilled and experienced and the general rate for transplanting a single graft is around $3. This is lesser than the cost of transplanting a single graft in London, but there are countries where much cheaper surgeries are being performed. Countries such as Malaysia, Thailand and Pakistan are known for the cheap procedures while the results are as good as of surgeries being performed in cosmopolitans of the world. This is since the number of people opting for surgeries to restore hair is increasing. This causes each surgeon to perform more cases on a daily basis. While working on different kinds of cases, a surgeon gains experience. Apart from this, in markets such as Pakistan, the surgeons usually offer lesser costs as part of marketing strategies and to attract more patients. This always works for the patients’ benefit since they get a quality procedure at a much lesser cost. Pakistan is a country where travel and accommodation are also cheap and therefore the whole package of hair restoration surgery costs much lesser than only the surgical procedure in any western developed country. The surgeons and medical centers maintain websites and are available easily. This enables distant patients to consult the doctor by sending a photograph of their hair and the surgeon can briefly describe what kind of baldness it is and what will be the procedure to restore hair growth. The cost and the method of surgery can be decided before the person actually travels to the destination of the clinic. This way a patient can check different surgeons before finally deciding a particular surgeon. The travel and accommodation can be easily arranged and the surgery can be performed. Many clinics nowadays offer accommodation and free meals as well. This is why it is always advised that a person does some basic research before engaging a surgeon. The type of baldness and the cause of the hair loss can also be discussed. However, it is essential to remind patients that the reason of hair loss must be found out before opting for any method of hair restoration. In case the cause is not rooted and corrected, there is always a chance that hair loss may recur after surgery. In different cases, the reason of hair loss may be different and therefore the surgeon cannot tell at a glance what is causing a person’s hair to fall out. The surgeon’s reputation can be judged by reading the testimonies of past patients of any particular surgeon. The number of procedures that he does can also give a good idea about the popularity of a surgeon.

The hair transplant forum in Antigua and Barbuda can assist a person in judging the reputation of a certain surgeon. The initial consultation and discussion about the steps of surgery and cost can also be decided.

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