Hair transplant centre Karachi

Hair transplant center Karachi is famous for its outstanding results and natural look. It is the biggest country in Pakistan and it is most advanced in terms of development and availability of technology. Medical sector in Pakistan is considered to be one of the best in the world since the surgeons and doctors are experienced and have a vast number of patients every day. The cosmetic treatments available in the state are of the latest technology and are performed using the latest techniques and methods. Since there are an increasing number of people who suffer from hair loss, various methods of hair restoration are becoming common and evolving with time. In Karachi, the procedures such as hair transplants are commonly done and there are numerous surgeons who are renowned for their successful results. The hair restoration method was first done in the 1950s in Japan, to treat accidental gaps and cover scars resulting from burns. Due to the success of this method it was adopted as a cosmetic procedure and has been treating millions of people suffering from hair loss. The hair implant surgery is done in two basic ways, the strip method and the follicular unit extraction (FUE). The FUE method involves extraction of follicles from an area of good hair growth and then these follicles are placed on the bald patch. This method needs good skills and expertise since the surgeon has to extract an optimum number of grafts which have to be planted in the scalp, in the same pattern as that of the existing hair. In case the same pattern is not observed, the transplant appears unnatural. The direction of growth also has to be kept in mind. The patient is treated in a medical clinic and there is no need for surgical equipment except microscope and scalpels. The patient is given local anesthesia and after thoroughly cleaning the scalp the procedure is started. Usually, follicle is taken from the back of the head as this area has a good density. Once the follicle is extracted, the patient and surgeon can take a break and then the procedure of planting the graft is completed. In many people, the procedure is completed within a day and there is not a lengthy routine to be followed after that. However, in cases of severe baldness, the patient might require multiple sessions for a dense coverage of bald patch. Once the surgery is completed, the surgeon gives his patient some basic medicines to treat headache or swelling of the area. Hair loss, also known as shock loss, is something that makes procedure recipients worry. However, this is not a serious issue since every person who has had a surgery goes through this phase. Once the body has gotten back to normal, hair starts to grow normally. After a hair transplantation, the person’s hair starts growing within a period of three months.  

Frequently Asked Questions

Is there any hair transplant centre in Karachi?

There are many in Karachi providing hair loss and baldness treatment.

What is the price range at a hair transplant centre in Karachi?

The price range is 50,000 to 80,000 Pak Rupee .

What is the best hair transplant centre in Karachi?

Many clinics and doctors claim best but one should assess after viewing reviews and before and after photos.

How to contact the best hair restoration surgeon in Pakistan?

The best hair restoration surgeon is Dr. Ahmad Chaudhry who is trained & qualified from Paris France and has 23 years of experience in this field. To get his expert and honest opinion you may send your photos through WhatsApp +923334309999

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