Hair transplant before and after

Hair loss is a problem that engulfs a large part of society today and as resources are increasing, more and more people are turning towards hair restoration treatments. These treatments can be surgical and non surgical. While the non surgical methods include laser and application of medicines; the surgical method is hair transplant which involves planting hair from one place of good hair growth to another bald patch. Hair loss destroys self confidence and creates an inferior feeling in the person suffering from it. This is why it is advised to get a treatment that gives permanent results and is not a lifetime hassle. However, as before any kind of treatment, a person must do some basic research to find the best surgeon and be prepared for the results since the extent of coverage and density of hair varies with individuals. These days many doctors and hair transplant clinics maintain websites and blogs so that potential candidates can read the testimonials of past patients. This way, a candidate gets a direct idea about what to expect and what precautions to take before and after the surgery. These testimonials and websites can prepare the patient for the surgery and as they explain the surgery steps as well, the patient knows what kind of a procedure they are getting into. The patient is carefully observed by the surgeon and then the surgery is started. Before the surgery, the patient’s scalp is thoroughly washed and prepared for the procedure. Once the surgery starts, the patient is given local anesthesia and the surgeon removes donor hairs with the method selected mutually by the surgeon and patient. The patient lies on his or her back if the hair is being extracted from the back of the head. Once the donor hair is removed, the patient can take a refreshment break and then the process of plantation starts. During this process, the patient is reclined and can utilize the time for reading or watching television. It is essential that the clinical environment and surgeon is comfortable since the patient is aware and hence the ambiance makes a difference. Usually, some candidates get their hair transplant completed within a day while many get their procedure completed in multiple sessions. The surgeon always gives a post surgery care routine, which must be followed for the right results. The few side effects of hair transplant surgery can subside easily if the routine is followed properly. These side effects include headaches, swelling and hair loss. Many patients get worried with hair loss but this is a normal thing. Within a period of three months the hair grows back and after a year of surgery, the patient has fully grown hair and regained self confidence.

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