Hair repair treatment


Hair Repair treatment in Lahore

Hair loss has been a problem for people of all ethnicity and nature. There are many hair replacement treatments available and a person can choose any method that suits him or her best. Hair loss has become an issue and a large number of people suffer from it. The causes of hair fall can be many such as stress and poor diets or any kind of prolonged illness that causes weakness and hence the body systems are disturbed. Many times, surgeries or treatments of diseases also cause hair loss. In any individual, hair plays an important part in the construction of personality. Baldness and thinning hair cause many people to become complex and lose confidence. Their social and interpersonal skills become weak and they are unable to mingle with people and often become aloof individuals in social as well as professional lives. This is why, different researchers and scientists have developed many ways to treat hair loss and help people regain their self respect. The various methods of hair restoration are available widely and a person must do some basic research about them before deciding which method to apply. The non surgical methods of hair restoration are laser therapy, use of Propecia or Minoxidil, use of wigs and hair pieces. The laser therapy works in a way that it uses the ultraviolet rays to transfer heat energy to potential energy in the hair follicles. The heat stimulates these follicles and they start to take up more nutrients from the scalp and grow hair strands. The use of Minoxidil and Propecia is done topically and then massaging the bald patch so as to let the medicine get absorbed. These medications help the body stop hormonal imbalance and formation of compounds that hinder hair growth. This method is very gradual and shows results after very long periods of regular routines. Many patients lose the patience or feel less motivated since the results are slow. Hair pieces are designed by doctors for individuals who suffer from hair fall. A hair piece is made of synthetic hair that matches the individual’s real hair in color and texture. These hair are attached to a semi previous patch that is attached to the scalp using a good adhesive. Once the patch is attached, the bald or thinning patch is totally covered. The problem with this method is that any hair existing on the patch where the hair piece is attached, is shaved in order to glue the piece. After a few days, the natural hair starts to grow again and this can cause itch and irritation. After a number of days, the person has to visit the doctor who can remove the hair piece and then shave the hair again and attach the hair piece in place. The most efficient and permanent solution to hair loss is the surgical method of hair regeneration. Hair transplant surgery involves removal of hair from an area of good hair growth and then planting them on the bald patch. . Hair transplant surgeries were initially done in the 1950s. They were done to conceal accidental scars or to cover a gap in hair growth resulting from burns or birth deformities. Due to the success of this procedure, surgeons started practicing it for cosmetic surgeries and aesthetic enhancements. For men as well as women, hair transplants prove to be a permanent cure for baldness. There are two basic ways of hair transplant surgery. One is the Strip harvest method, which involves the removal of hair in a strip that is usually taken from the back of the head since there is good hair growth there. The place from where hair is extracted is called the donor site. Once the strip is removed, the wound on the donor site is stapled using surgical staples and this leaves a scar at the back of the head. This strip is then divided into smaller units and then planted on the bald patch.

Hair repair treatment can be done in many ways. There are many methods available for a person to choose from, which involves surgical as well as non surgical procedures. It may be noticed that a hair transplant surgery is the most effective and permanent solution of hair loss.

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