Hair graft calculator


Hair graft calculator – Hair graft is tiny strip of scalp consist of 1,2,3,4 or 5 hair follicles, which are separated carefully from each other under a microscope and later harvested into hairless area. Whenever you are planning to have a hair transplant, it is recommended use of a hair graft calculator available on the internet. It will help you in guiding about the number of grafts you needed. When you find an online graft calculator, just follow three easy steps. You can find three diagrams of head on the page where different sections of head are marked by Roman numbers, usually from one to seven. You need to click on the section from where you are losing the hairs and you want transplant. At the end of page, a slider is present with one to fifty centimeters. It helps in estimating number of follicular unit hair grafts per square centimeter. You need to move this slider to the required hair density. In last step, click on calculate to get the result. You will get an estimated number of grafts and number of hairs you needed. It is mentioned clearly on some websites that this calculator is not a substitute of a dermatologist consultation.

An advantage of this calculator is that it helps in calculating number of grafts needed by a patient. If you are one of patients looking for transplant surgery, you can use this calculator. After finding the number of grafts, you can also calculate the estimated cost required for your treatment. Find average cost per graft of transplant in your area. Calculate this cost with total number of grafts needed. You can get estimated cost of your surgery. Some dermatologists and surgeons have designed their own hair graft calculators. You can check these on their respective websites. Questions arise in mind about reliability and accuracy of these grafts calculators. If you consult a surgeon to estimate number of grafts, he needs to check the hairless or bald area of your scalp. He takes into account the density of donor area from where he has to take hair grafts. Size and shape of head, and thickness, color, characteristics of hair varies from person to person and they affect the estimated number. Some clinics offer such packages where you are required to pay a specific amount for each session regardless of grafts you needed. It is advised to have a free initial consultancy session with a transplant surgeon to get an idea about grafts and price.

Some claimed that online graft calculator are just for sake of fun and are not more than a marketing strategy. It is impossible to estimate or calculate number of grafts needed without checking the level of baldness. Different methods of surgeries used different techniques of removing and inserting grafts. These calculators are not built in a way to get you estimated grafts needed in each transplant method. If the transplant clinic is charging per session not per graft than using this calculator is a waste of time.

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