Fue hair transplant


Fue hair transplant is free from stitches and no more linear scar. It is less painful as compared to old strip technique. One session or procedure takes five to six hours. The results are impressive and life changing. Most people prefer follicular unit extraction procedures in Pakistan like the rest of the world.  There are two methods of hair restoration . These two methods are the FUE and the FUT. The Follicular Unit Extraction method is the most recent and latest method out of the two. Furthermore, this method is also much more minimally invasive as compared to other procedures. As its name suggests, the whole basis of the method is the extraction or harvesting of donor hair in the form of individual follicle. There are two parts of this procedure. The first part of the procedure is the harvesting of donor follicles. The harvesting of the required amount of donor follicles during a procedure is done by making small, circular incisions around follicles, separating them from the surrounding tissue and extracting them by directly pulling them out of the scalp. This leaves small holes (approximately 1 mm in diameter) that heal completely in a matter of seven to ten days, leaving behind tiny white invisible scars.

Grafts extraction intra operative

Extracting the amount of donor grafts required for hair restoration can take two to three hours, which is the reason why FUE technique takes longer than FUT or strip surgery and why they also cost more than other techniques. Once the required amount of donor follicle has been obtained by harvesting , the second part of the  procedure is executed. The second part of the  procedure is the implantation of the harvested units into the balding/thinning area. In order to execute this part of the procedure, tiny recipient sites are made in the balding/thinning area of the scalp using a fine needle-point instrument. Next, the harvested follicular units are gently placed into the recipient sites where they eventually grow into healthy hair. Once the transplanted follicular units grow into full-fledged, the process of hair restoration begins and new hair starts growing in balding/thinning areas.

Grafts preparation

Although Fue hair transplant procedure takes quite a considerable amount of time, there are some clinics routinely perform stitches and incision free procedure and Dr. Ahmad Chaudhry has skills and competency for planting 3000 grafts in a single session or 5-6 hours. A person who gets the procedure will not only start growing hair in balding/thinning areas quite quickly but can also go about their life as usual almost immediately after the procedure. The one thing most people worry about when getting a medical procedure performed on them is pain. However, people getting such kinds of procedures using the F.U.E. method should rest assured as, unlike the Follicular Unit Transplantation method, this method is minimally invasive and causes little to no pain.

The end result of both methods of hair restoration is exactly the same except donor harvesting. The FUT method comes with a lot of downtime, requires a substantially large amount of aftercare, is quite painful and causes a considerable amount of scarring. However, the only downside to use the FUE method over the FUT method is the fact that the FUE method can cost considerably more but people ignore this aspect hence the FUE hair transplant in Pakistan  is more preferable than strip surgery.

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