Children hair loss


As you grow older, it’s normal to start seeing hair thinning or falling out. To see your child’s hair, fall out, on the other hand, may come as a shock. The causes of children hair loss may differ from those of adult-onset baldness, although it is not unheard of for children to lose it. A scalp disease is a common cause in youngsters. It’s possible that some of the causes aren’t hazardous or life-threatening. Even yet, a child’s psychological well-being might be negatively impacted by this problem. It’s difficult enough to lose your hair as an adult.

Children hair loss


In most cases, a scalp infection or other condition is to blame for children hair loss. List some of the most typical reasons for this are:

1- Tinea Capitis

When kids share personal objects like combs and hats, the virus can spread to their scalps. Known as ringworm of the scalp, it’s actually caused by a fungus. Children with tinea capitis experience thinning and balding patches punctuated by little black spots. They may develop red, scaly, and rough skin. Other possible symptoms include fever and swollen glands.

About eight weeks of treatment with an antifungal medicine are required to cure tinea capitis. The use of an antifungal shampoo in conjunction with oral treatment will keep your child from spreading the disease to others.

2- Trichotillomania

Trichotillomania is a mental illness that causes children hair loss involuntarily. It’s classified as an obsessive-compulsive disorder by professionals. Kids who suffer from this illness will have bald patches and brittle. Some children ingest it they pluck and end up with large balls of undigested it in their intestines as a result.

When youngsters stop ripping their hair out, they will regrow. Students in cognitive behavioral therapy learn to recognize when they are yanking their out. This therapy aids individuals in identifying and addressing the underlying emotions that underlie their problematic conduct.

3- Effluvia of the telogen

The typical development cycle includes a stage known as telogen, during which it stops growing and rests. Once the old scalp has fallen out, new might develop in its place. At any given time, only around 10 to 15 percent of follicles are in this stage.

Many more follicles enter the telogen phase in children hair loss with telogen effluvium than is usual. As a result, children now shed three times as many of it every day as they normally do. As a result of the thinning of it, there may be patches of baldness on the scalp that are not obvious.

4- A deficit in nutrients

A nutritious diet is a need for a fit body. It is possible for children hair loss that they aren’t getting enough vitamins, minerals, and protein. Eating disorders such as anorexia and bulimia, as well as low-protein vegetarian and vegan diets both cause and contribute to loss.

They can be caused by a deficiency in these nutrients:

  • biotin protein and amino acids niacin
  • Hair loss can also be a side effect of taking too much vitamin A.
  • It’s possible that your child’s pediatrician can recommend a balanced diet or prescribe a supplement to compensate for the lack of nutrients.

5- Hypothyroidism

The thyroid is a gland located in the neck. To regulate your body’s metabolic rate, it releases a variety of hormones.

Thyroid hormone production is inadequate in hypothyroidism, resulting in symptoms such as fatigue, irritability, and depression. Indications include:

  • obesity, constipation, and exhaustion
  • loss or dryness on the scalp

Medications for thyroid hormones should stop your children hair loss. They will recover, but it may take a few months.

6- Chemotherapy

They will lose their scalp as a result of chemotherapy for children. Cancer cells, including those in the roots, are killed by chemotherapy, which is a potent drug. You can expect your child’s hair to grow back after the treatment is complete.


Hair loss isn’t always life-threatening or even dangerous to one’s health. Your child’s self-esteem and emotional well-being can have the greatest impact on your relationship.

It can be treated, but it may take some trial and error before finding the best option. Work with your child’s medical team to find a solution that improves both your child’s physical appearance and mental well-being.

What are the reasons for hair shedding among children?

There are a number of reasons like infections – bacterial or fungal. Certain autoimmune diseases also cause shedding in the children.

What is the best treatment in Lahore?

Treatment and solution depends upon the cause of hair shedding. Early diagnosis and check up is necessary to stop the disease and to treat it.

How much does it cost for children hair loss treatment in Lahore?

Sometimes simple medicine can treat and cure the disease. It will cost you hardly a few hundreds Rupee to thousands.

Where to contact for check up?

You may call or WhatsApp +92-333-430-9999 and get an appointment for FREE check up.

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